My daughter wants to ‘minimalize’. That’s what she calls it these days when I decide to go through my cupboards, yet again, or fill up another bag with clothes I’m still not wearing since the last time I pared down. Sometimes she gets the urge to go through her belongings and place a few items in the giveaway bag along with my things, but, today I’m just not feeling it. I woke up with a head cold, the same one I get every year when the weather finally makes up it’s mind that it is truly winter outside. While I’m happy that she is in the mood for de-cluttering, she may have to go it alone today while I rest up with my throat lozenges and green tea.
Despite my cold, days like today are when I am especially glad that I have taken the time to simplify life and our home. Our apartment is clean, because it pretty much stays clean all the time with a minimal amount of items, dinner will take all of thirty minutes because we eat simple meals like broiled fish and quinoa, and since I work from home, I can pretty much relax in my pajamas all day and just get a few essential tasks done here and there. We homeschool 2 out of 3 of the kids (which is the reason my daughter is even home at the moment), and on days like today, it’s nice, since they can relax a little, and focus on their independent study work, but they’re also around to go grab me some tissues or a blanket if I need one. Life is good. Maybe after I rest for a while I will feel like ‘minimalizing’ a bit with her after all.